What is Sharpster?

Sharpster is an SCM add-on designed to simplify and yet increase the power of conventional SCM file sharing.

Imagine wanting to send a segment of a source file for code review to a colleague from a million LOC Java project. With Sharpster, simply add a @sharpster.review tag to a Javadoc doc-comment. Sharpster now lets you share only that segment from the Sharpster repository for your colleague to check out, edit and commit.

Set up your own development process. Use Sharpster to send the correct pieces of code to the right person. For instance, use @sharpster.specify, @sharpster.implement, @sharpster.test and @sharpster.deploy to send different pieces of code to the right person at the right time in the process.

Use XML like tags i text documents, such as
hello I'll share <share>only this text</share>
to only share that specific segment with the rest of the world.

Sharpster provide more control over SCM repositories. Share specific files only to specified users at the same time from the same repository. Share segments of files. Be more efficient with more flexibility and ease of use.

Read more about Sharpster: Plugins | SCM & Sharpster

Technical documentation: Java API | Original specification

What is SharpDevil?

SharpDevil is a plugin for the SDK Eclipse. It makes it possible to work against a Sharpster server from within Eclipse. The user won't have to switch between Eclipse and the Sharpster client software, which makes using the functionality of Sharpster a breeze.

SharpDevil has a nice GUI with quick access to the common Sharpster commands. Content regarding SharpDevil is available for download on the project web page. This includes precompiled versions of the software, the sourcecode as well as a user manual. Users will also need the latest version of the Sharpster software, which can be found at the same place.


Sharpster as well as SharpDevil are licensed as "Academic free license". For more information please consult the web page http://www.opensource.org/licenses/afl-2.1.txt


Sharpster has been designed and copyrighted by Dr.Erik Berglund, Associate Professor at the Department of computer and Information Science, Linköping university, Sweden. The implementation has been conducted by PUM group 13 spring 2003, PUM group 13 autum 2003 and PUM group 18 autum 2005. Additionally, PUM group 14 has created SharpDevil in autumn 2005.

All intellectual rights are the property of Dr. Erik Berglund.